Company: Motorola
Agency : O&M
Brand Analysis Count : 312
After creating a rage with some smart campaigns for Motorockr, Motorola is back again with another brand MotoYuva. Motoyuva , as the name suggest is a brand targeted at the youth . It is

Indian mobile handset market is huge with an annual sale of any where between 60- 70 million handset. The entry level mobile phones dominate in the volume share . Motorola had another couple of models in this segment like C118 but Motoyuva is different.
The difference is that this is the entry level brand targeting the youth segment ( age 18-29) and also it is a brand rather than a dry model number.
It is worthwhile to note that it was Motorola which had started branding various models deviating from the practice of the market leader Nokia. Nokia followed the model numbering because of the ever changing models and technology.
But Motorola tackled this issue by branding a series. For example Motorazr was the series brand name and there were different models under this series.
Similarly Motoyuva started with the first model Motoyuva W180. The brand was an entry level phone with FM Radio and Hindi dictionary and speaker phone.
The brand was launched with a crazy ad which took me a while to understand when I saw it the first time.
Watch the ad here : Motoyuva 180
Motoyuva W180 had a tagline " Motoyuva aaya to aapka beta gaya " meaning ' when Motoyuva comes you will lose your son to it ' .
The idea is that the phone is fully loaded that the young ones will be lost in the phone.
The success of W180 prompted Motorola to extend the series with a basic music phone. Thus came the new variant MotoYuva W230. 230 comes with MP3 player with expandable memory at a tempting price of around Rs 3100.
What was interesting was the campaign.
Watch the campaign here : Motoyuva 230.
The ad shows a young boy using the music phone to escape from the nagging father. According to agencyfaqs, the consumer insight that drive this ad is that today's youth use music as an escape route. The ad is well made with a catchy score ( Adnan Sami) and a cool dude and a very realistic papa character. The brand uses the tagline " ab apni suno " meaning ' Now hear what you want to hear'
Soon after the ads was on air, one of my students raised a point that this ad will be offensive/irritating to the father and thus may not allow the son to buy this model. The reason he pointed out is that the TG for this brand may have to depend on the father for the money.
I also read a couple of blogs which aired similar views.
So the question arises as to the logic behind such a campaign berating father who can be the sponsor for the purchase of this phone.
The fact is that everything about the ad is realistic. It is a fact that for teenagers and youngsters , fathers are usually perceived to be nagging , complaining and criticizing . Often fathers become a big stumbling block in their quest for freedom. It is a fact that music mobiles are a rage among youngsters and it is a fact that they use music to shut themselves from the external world.
But whether to use these facts for a TV commercial is something that is debatable......
The simple fact that this campaign has become a talking point justifies the purpose of this ad. In this season where almost every brand is making hell of a noise trying to sell a '5 mp mobile camera phone ' to music mobile with a thump, it is not easy to make us discuss Motoyuva .
The company knew that this ad may create some murmurs , but the main purpose was to break the clutter. The ad achieved that to a large extent. The ad makes us chuckle and we watch because the characters look so natural.
The larger question remains whether the PAPA will object to buying this phone.. Some will and some may not. In majority of the cases, Parents leave the choice of the mobile phones to their sons and thus the ad may not affect the sales.
For these segment, it is the value that matters. At Rs 3100, if the customers including PAPA feels that Motoyuva provides value, the purchase will be made and other wise it will not.